What will be over a year on the road

This blog is mostly going to be about food and the interesting experiences I live through while I wait to be hungry. A few words on what I’ve seen, experienced and eaten. I hope I can convey my enjoyment of experiencing the unknown and my lust to experience other cultures.

Food is the primary focus of my travelling life; the cultural stuff helps to give context to the food history. Along with the climate this historical context dictates the locally pertinent food I can find, and in turn, eat.

I use cooking classes and market visits to try and understand the food culture and the ingredient spectrum of a country. I can use my years of experience to theorise how to make the dishes, and attempt to add them to my repertoire.

On my past trips I’ve kept a journal, records of what I’ve done, view points on it and the food I’ve eaten. I thought for this trip, my longest yet, I’d to try keeping an online record, filled with the experiences I’d normally record on paper: the dishes I’ve enjoyed, and in many cases a recipe or a fairly well-educated guess. This blog will, in part, serve as my journal, my own record of what I do and enjoy.

There is a long road in front of me and a relatively short list of countries I’m about to visit over the next 16 months. Some trips are quite short, others will be much more immersive. I look forward to reminding myself that the world is a fantastical place, with so much to see and do, and more importantly, eat.